Tecton Python Dependencies
This list specifies the range of versions for Python dependencies required by
the tecton
Name | Required |
annotated-types | >=0.4.0 (from pydantic~=2.3 ) |
attrs | >=21.3.0 |
boto3 | Any |
botocore | >=1.27.28,<1.28.0 (from boto3 ) |
certifi | >=2017.4.17 (from requests ) |
charset-normalizer | >=2,<3 (from requests ) |
click | ~=8.0 |
colorama | ~=0.4 |
exceptiongroup | >=1.0.0rc8 (from pytest ) |
googleapis-common-protos | ~=1.52 |
idna | >=2.5,<4 (from requests ) |
iniconfig | Any (from pytest ) |
jinja2 | ~=3.0 |
jmespath | >=0.7.1,<2.0.0 (from boto3 ) |
MarkupSafe | >=2.0 (from jinja2~=3.0 ) |
numpy | ~=1.16 |
packaging | Any (from pytest ) |
pandas | >=1.0 |
pathspec | Any |
pendulum | ~=2.1 |
pex | ~=2.1 |
pluggy | >=0.12,<2.0 (from pytest ) |
protobuf | >=3.20.0 |
pyarrow | >=8,<14 |
pydantic | ~=2.3 |
pydantic-core | ==2.14.5 (from pydantic~=2.3 ) |
pygments | >=2.7.4 |
pyparsing | !=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 (from packaging ) |
pypika | ~=0.48.9 |
pytest | Any |
python-dateutil | >=2.8.1 (from pandas>=1.0 ) |
pytimesparse | Any |
pytz | >=2020.1 (from pandas>=1.0 ) |
pytzdata | >=2020.1 (from pendulum~=2.1 ) |
pyyaml | Any |
requests | Any |
s3transfer | >=0.6.0,<0.7.0 (from boto3 ) |
semantic-version | Any |
six | >=1.5 (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1 ) |
sqlsparse | Any |
statsd | ==3.3.0 |
termcolor | >=2.3,<3.0 (from yaspin>=0.16,<3 ) |
texttable | Any |
tomli | >=1.0.0 (from pytest ) |
tqdm | ~=4.41 |
typeguard | ~=2.0 |
typing-extensions | ~=4.1 |
urllib3 | <2.0.0 |
yaspin | >=0.16,<3 |
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