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Stream Feature View

Stream Feature Views continually process new data so that its features can be updated as quickly as possible.

Tecton offers two different architectures for powering Stream Feature Views:

  • Stream Ingest API: records sent to the Stream Ingest API are optionally transformed with Tecton's real-time Python Engine, and then written directly to the Feature Store. The Stream Ingest API typically is the right choice if you prefer the simple experience of Python-based transformation environments, want to ingest pre-computed features, or are building an event-driven architecture.
  • Spark Structured Streaming: records are read from your stream, transformed, and written to the Feature Store by a Spark Structured Streaming job in your data plane. Spark architecture may be the right choice if you have high record volume (>>1,000 records per second), need all feature processing to remain in your Data Plane, or otherwise have a specific requirement only satisfied by Spark.

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