Interacting with the Feature Store
Name | Description |
tecton.get_workspace | Returns a tecton.Workspace instance for the workspace with the provided name. |
tecton.list_workspaces | Returns a list of the names of all registered Workspaces. |
tecton.Workspace | Workspace class. |
Helper Classes & Functions​
Name | Description |
tecton.clear_credentials | Clears Tecton API key and Tecton URL overrides. |
tecton.set_credentials | Explicitly override tecton credentials settings. |
tecton.test_credentials | Test credentials and throw an exception if unauthenticated. |
tecton.who_am_i | Introspect the current User or API Key used to authenticate with Tecton. |
tecton.TectonDataFrame | A thin wrapper around Pandas, Spark, and Snowflake dataframes. |
tecton.FeatureVector | FeatureVector Class. |
tecton.set_validation_mode | Convenience utility to set the Tecton object validation mode for the lifetime of the Python process. |
Name | Description |
tecton.Workspace.get_dataset | Returns a Dataset that has been saved to this workspace. |
tecton.Workspace.list_datasets | Returns a list of all saved Datasets within a workspace. |
tecton.Workspace.delete_dataset | Deletes a Dataset that has been saved to this workspace. |
tecton.Dataset | Dataset class. |